Leading voice of Finnish mobility sector in the EU

FinMobility is a Brussels-based, leading voice in the EU for the Finnish employers’ and business organisations in the mobility sector. We represent 13.500 member companies employing 100.000 people.

On the spot in Brussels

Over 80 percent of the transport and logistics regulations are made in the EU level. FinMobility is actively influencing the making of the EU legislation concerning transport sector, from the preparation phase to the final decision-making, in all the EU institutions. Our object is to bring the Finnish point of view to the EU-level discussion. While we bring the messages of the members of FinMobility into the EU’s decision-making, we also transfer the information from the EU level to our members.

Over 80 percent of the transport and logistics regulations are made in the EU level.

FinMobility works widely and transparently with the Brussels-based representatives of traffic sectors. Our key partners are the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU, authorities of different member states and the national and international business organisations. We also participate in the activities of our members’ umbrella organisations.

FinMobility is a member of international mobility sector umbrella organisations International Road Transport Union (IRU) and CECRA European Council for Motor Trades and Repairs (CECRA).

FinMobility EU advocacy team consists of three persons, and our office is located in the heart of the Brussels EU quarter.

Our member organisations are proudly Finnish

Employers’ Federation of Road Transport (ALT) is a national employers’ association for road haulage, bus transport and logistics companies. Member companies of ALT cover the sectors of freight transport, bus transport, tank trucks, environmental management, towing services, freight terminal, bus stations, and dispatch centers for taxis and truck transport.


Finnish Transport and Logistics (SKAL) is a lobbying organisation that represents business providing Finnish road haulage and logistical services. SKAL has some 5000 transport and logistics companies and operators as members and it offers a national network for services, colleagueship and influencing.

The Finnish Bus and Coach Association (LAL) provides vocational cooperation and lobbying services for bus and passenger transport operators in Finnish market-based and contract-based public and tourist transport.

The Finnish Taxi Owners’ Federation is a specialist in taxi and transport services, and it represents a major proportion of Finnish taxi service enterpreneurs with over 70 years of experience of commercial transport. The Finnish Taxi Owners’ Federation monitors the realisation of a level playing field for the taxi service enterpreneurs in Finland: Single market, common rules!

The Finnish Central Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs (AKL) is an association that lobbies for the economic and collective bargaining interests of enterprises in automobile and machinery trading, as well as for repair, paintwork, rust prevention and motor vehicle inspection services. AKL produces high-quality services for its members in counselling, training and information.

RT Infra

The Infra Contractors Association (INFRA) is an industry and employers’ federation for the infrastructure construction sector. Its member organisations produce the most of the infra services in Finland; their fields cover the construction and maintaining of roads, terminals and public utility networks.

Finnish Road Association is a strong influencer in road and transport sectors and a leading operator in private road issues in Finland. Finnish Road Association’s objective is to increase knowledge of the importance of road and transport sectors to Finland’s competitiveness and prosperity. Finnish Road Association aims to secure the sector’s financial and human capitals by an active cooperation and influencing.

The Association of Logistics Enterprises represents service enterprises whose sectors are transport systems, terminal and storage operations, and total systems in logistics. The member organisations operate in a networked corporate structure and form national chains, and with their cooperation partners, they offer logistic services also internationally.

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Leading voice of Finnish mobility sector in the EU

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